Saturday, June 27, 2020

MBA Interview Feedback Galore and Contests

The MBA Interview Feedback Database (MBAIFDB) is one of the most valuable and popular sections of our site. Thanks to your generous sharing of interview experiences, it has grown and grown and grown. Furthermore, the feedback we are getting lately is far more comprehensive and still focused. And thanks to the improvements we made last summer, you can filter the information and drill down to the nuggets you are most interested in. Quantitatively and qualitatively, the MBAIFDB is just getting better and better. This week, Accepteds webmaster sent me the following report about this rich resource. 1979 total entries 109 unique schools381 new ones in the last 365 days204 Northwestern Kellogg137 Wharton103 Duke Fuqua97 Columbia96 UC Berkeley Haas93 Chicago87 Dartmouth Tuck82 UCLA Anderson66 Michigan Ross64 Harvard HBS62 CMU Tepper60 UNC (Kenan-Flagler)59 NYU Stern56 UVA Darden52 INSEAD50 Yale SOM45 Stanford32 Cornell Johnson31 Emory (Goizueta)31 Georgetown (McDonough) Thanks to the MBAIFDB, no one should go into an MBA interview without a good idea of what to expect. Prepare for your MBA interviews by reviewing the feedback and then contribute your own feedback after you interview. Ah yes, I almost forgot.: sharing your feedback before March 31, 2007 will immediately enroll you in Accepteds Its a 10! contest. When the contest is running, every response in the MBAIFDB is eligible to win up to a $20 gift certificate at Amazon. And since we are really in the mood to lighten up the admissions scene by adding fun and games to the process, remember to snap a few pictures when you visit a b-school campus. You can then compete in the Beautiful B-School Photo Contest where you could win an Amazon gift certificate of up to $200.